Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly


Well photo options today were a choice between my taped up knee (pink and purple tape) or this which I thought looked more interesting.

If you want to see my taped up knee it's on Instagram I'm LittlemouseLilly

And as for this well I have put a few things in a sale album on my Facebook page

Still tired. And despite all the sanding I still can't get the finish I am after on my resin bracelets but they are lovely to touch. Will have to either be happy with the satin matt sheen or apply a top coat of resin to *fingers crossed* make them shine like gloss.

Haven't done nearly as much as I wanted to today, feel really wiped out haven't even been for a proper walk with Ferd let alone jogging for, well it must be coming up for two weeks now. But I did manage to take him to the park today with the ball thrower and tennis ball.

Work tomorrow so will have an early night, I really need to get my sleep pattern back on track.

Oh well away to make dinner and a loaf of bread

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