Lisa's blipping life

By Lisamoore

A relaxing morning!

To start with any way...
Up early and took sprout for a good walk with a swim as promised.
Been such a busy blues weekend he hasnt managed a swim for 3 days!
Just a mention about the blues fest... It has amazed me this weekend the absolute talent and generosity of the local youth. Such a fabulous group of people ready to help and inspire the next generation and inspire E they have!
Anyway back to the walk..
I pass this tree most days.
How it is still standing i have no idea its been struck by lightening and only half of it is still there. People have used it to for a sheltered campfire which hasnt helped but there it is still standing!
I used its little spy hole today as frame to my lovely woods.
Back home i washed, ironed, made tonights and tomorrows tea, cleaned up then at 3.30 finally sat down and got my felting out.

13 hour day at work tomorrow :( so im making the most of today!

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