Still Rockin'

By RockArea

Nooks and Crannies

I thought I’d try and enlist the help of you lovely blippers. The subject for my next Photo Club meeting is ‘Nooks and Crannies’ and I’m struggling to get inspired by it.

If I was a macro maestro or natural history photographer like Hillyblips or Draco, I’d no doubt produce a fine shot of a spider coming out of a hole in the wall. If I was Padstowbabe it might be my arm in the back end of a farmyard animal. Me, I haven’t a clue or maybe no imagination and this is the best I’ve come up with so far.

So what do you think I might go for. Any suggestions, serious or otherwise will be very welcome (Phew! That's got me out of a duff blip hole. I'll be back to normal tomorrow).

Hope you've had a good day.


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