The Race Walk

In the latest instalment of our Olympic Challenge, Ellie and I returned to Garron Park to take part in Southend Athletics Club's open day. We were a little surprised to find out that we were actually meant to enter the Race Walk event; competing against seasoned race walkers. We had a ten minute crash-course in the basics and then bang! we were off! I mainly found the event massively frustrating; I either wanted to run, or wanted my legs to go faster than they seemed able. Unsurprisingly, we came last and second from last! I clocked in at 13:36:49 for my first ever Race Walk mile. We now have lots of practice to do before we attempt the 20K event!

We hung around for a while and watched in awe at the pole vault, and 800m before making our way to the beach for a picnic lunch and a spot of volleyball practice. We could tell we were rusty by how much the ball stung our arms. The bruises are already showing. After we got back home, G and I managed to ensemble my new office chair ready for work tomorrow (boooo), and put up some new posters (hurray).

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