
By IronWill2013

Potato Desiree red skins

Potato Desiree red skins .... sounds like an American Indian tribe, or a baseball team.

My wife grows the potatoes. She also took this photo. She was very keen for me to Blip this shot. Last year, our potatoes suffered badly due to the blight disease. This year, everything is looking good.

I received hundreds more pond irises from our garden friends (see yesterday's Blip). They also gave me a "Golden Club" (Orontium Aquaticum), plus some Yucca plants for the garden. Soooooo pleased about this.

Spent most of the day planting out more of our perennials (been growing them since about this time last year).

Been a nice day. Very warm again.

Bath time soon.

P.S. Spot the odd one out?

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