
By StorksRock

Tea and biscuits for two

Houblon gave the passionflower a haircut so we could sit on the bench under it without fear of suffocation.

I'd followed a Mary Berry recipe for walnut shortbread biscuits. They were very tasty, but I did have to add a touch of water to the dough as it was very dry. I appreciate that doing anything different to the exact instructions in one of Mary's recipes is practically illegal and GCHQ are probably noting my transgression as I post this entry, but the dough was never going to roll out without some help.

Anyway, they tasted great.

I've back-blipped some of my Iceland photos - just two more to do...

Beer tasting, Icelandic style
Near the start of the Laugavegur
Cold camp at Hrafntinnusker
First view of new terrain around Lake Alftavatn
Flowers in Mordor

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