Collecting Moments

By AudreyJ

Harvest Time

Woke up this morning and noticed Blaine had been up and set the table for his breakfast but the milk was still out and it was as if he'd only put a few pieces if cereal into his bowl then disappeared. I found him in his room, lying down on top of the bed, when I asked what was wrong, he said he didn't feel well, so then i realised he's got what Aiden had. Fortunately his symptoms weren't as severe as Aidens and he just lost his appetite and felt extremely tired. He's bounced back already, thankfully. Hoping that's the end of it.

Went to my Mums for a braai this afternoon and she asked Aiden if she wanted to dig up the potatoes.

These potatoes were grown from a bit of peeled raw potato which ended up in the compost heap and after months was discovered to have sprouted so my mum thought seeing as it had fought so hard to re-grow she might as well give it a chance and planted it into an empty container, not actually expecting much to happen but today this is what it produced; 56 potatoes!

Had a nice afternoon playing 'Phase 10'. I won !!

P.S. Thanks to you all for Aidens well-wishes yesterday.

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