A Dog's Dinner

By G

Service With A Smile

Today I've experienced two examples of great service.

Firstly the bus.

Over the past six months there's been a great todo about our new bus service. The old carrier didn't want to compete because they could'nt make any money so a new carrier got the job. After much knashing of teeth and wringing of hands the new comapny launched the service and what did we get.

A brand new clean bus.
Staff that make you feel that they actually care and enjoy their jobs.
An extended route which takes you twice the distance for the same price.
A new website with up to date informtaion
....and the drivers even have a Twitter account where they let you know how the traffic is behaving.

They also run on time
Now I ask you is that good service or what?

Secondly the dentist.

Dr D that well know blipper and dentist to the stars, ie Mr Blogs he's got a new and very cool website.

So what I hear you say? Well not only has he a blog to let you know what's happening but you can make direct appointments.

Now that's what I want. None of that messing around with losing cards and forgetting calls just straight on the site a book yourself in. You can even do it on you iPhone!


..and the common thread. Their both small companies who are really trying to engage with their customers. Works for me every time

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