Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

Southport Show

After working with the Tazmanian Devil this morning (thanks Dea), I got to chill out in the afternoon with a lovely trip out to Southport. Lots to see and do! I've always wanted to see a working border collie rounding up sheep and today I saw three...they rounded up geese too, in fact one goose was traumatised, having to leap over a mesh fence when being pursued by an over eager collie....of course, being a goose, it soon gave as good as it got. It was funny but those collies are super intelligent and it was great to see.

We also saw alpacas; owls; reptiles; pygmy goats; teeny weeny Shetland ponies (pygmy ponies?!!); gun dogs; dog shows; fire acts (!) and flying motorcyclists!! All good fun!

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