Captain's Logbook

By CaptainSensible

Carnival Time

At last I've been to Notting Hill Carnival. Having lived in Ealing for many years I haven't taken the opportunity to go. Now I've moved miles away I get to go!! How perverse is that.

Mr E and Miss H and a mate came with us. We parked nearby and walked in - dead easy. Huge crowds - about 1 million. Deafening drumbeats loads of amazing costumes and a great time had by all.

Mrs W and I lost the youngsters (I think we were too sedate for them). So we mooched around soaking up the atmosphere.

Although it was a really target rich environment for photographers and the costumes were fabulous I chose this image. There were over 150 drummers in this troupe belting out the most amazing, spine tingling. stomach churning rhythms as they swayed from side to side, marching down the street sweeping all before them.

I'm trying to show visually the vibrance and energy of it all. I got the feeling that I must be doing something right because I was pestered on several occasions by pro photographers who wanted my spot. I co-operated of course.

I'll post my carnival jamboree in due course and give you a shout.

Afterwards we went to see Mr P who is still in hospital He looked the best I've seen him since he became ill. He had a sense of humour and got out of bed for a short walk. So that was very uplifting.

A very good day and a nice way of ending the weekend.

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