Red-veined Darter Dragonfly

Looks nice in large.

I've been after this dragon all summer; he's either in too harsh of light, has landed on something boring like the wood chips or he gets bumped because something better comes along.

It was a tough choice today... he came this close to getting bumped for a young tufted titmouse, but I decided that birds will be around all winter and this dragon will be gone soon. Heck, it's already fairly hard to find a dragonfly or damselfly to blip; they were my go-to blips for so long, but not anymore. He almost lost out to my comeback gerbera daisy... The daisy plant my husband got me for Valentine's Day... the one I kept alive, against all odds indoors until it was warm enough to put outside... the one that I thought I had killed in June... the one that a dog dumped over and I left for dead... the one that came back and is flowering without even a tiny bit of care or water from me. That one. But no, I still chose the dragon since it landed on a pretty flower and isn't long for this area and for once it was a decent shot of the little guy.

Whew, a lot went into that decision... ;)

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