Shaken, not stirred...

By NeonPlumMartini

Don't play Russian Roulette

This is a rant. A valid rant.

We have all heard the hearsay about the Measles/Mumps/Rubella vaccine being "linked" to Autism. Despite it being disproved time and time again, idiots still believe it and choose to not immunise their kids.
Can anyone say Russian Roulette?
They are playing Russian Roulette with the lives of their kids.
They are playing Russian Roulette with the lives of people who cannot have the MMR vaccine due to allergies (the vaccine is created with eggs).
They are playing Russian Roulette with the lives of people who have bodies that resist immunisation.
Even if there were a correlation between the MMR shot and Autism, I would still vaccinate. After all, it is better to risk an Autistic child than a dead one.

So. Why am I ranting? Well, there has been an outbreak of measles in the northern and eastern parts of Melbourne... I live in the east. I already know my MMR shots failed, as I have had mumps. For some reason, a large number of relatives have had their MMR shots fail, a few have had their Chicken Pox shots fail, and one has had their Whooping Cough shots fail twice. So far my little dude has followed the trend with allergies, sleep disorders, and tummy problems. When reading the public service announcement regarding the measles outbreak, I panicked. I'm not safe, my son is likely not immune, we are symptomatic, and our health is now in question because people are too stupid to talk to their doctors about vaccinations.
The next 12 hours are make or break for little dude and I. Doctors are concerned, and glad I acted fast. If our symptoms don't progress in the next 12 hours, we'll be fine. If the symptoms progress... Measles.... Potentially fatal. Little dude's immune system is tired having battled a chest infection for the last 10 days. I'm recovering from a cold/flu, and an appendectomy three weeks ago.

I'm terrified... And angry!

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