
By antipodean


The smell of this honeysuckle kept wafting through the back door today, it was beautiful. It seems that spring is finally on its way!

I was up at 7:30 this morning, after not much sleep, to go to the hospital. I couldn't eat or drink before the procedure so I wasn't feeling to great, but luckily everything went quite smoothly leading up to it - I was admitted quickly, and I don't remember anything after they put my IV in (although that was pretty traumatic). Afterwards I was recovering well until they took the IV out, at which point I almost fainted. I think it was a combination of me being intensely squeamish about needles, the pain as they took the IV out and my grogginess from the anaesthetic. They got me lying down again until the dizziness passed, and then finally I got to go home.

I spent the rest of the day on the sofa recovering. I'm quite proud of myself for getting through the horrible prep stuff and for not actually fainting at the hospital this morning, so I think I've done quite well to get through it all! Hopefully I get some results from all this as well...

I'm so excited that it's almost spring - it's been milder today, and the weather for the rest of the week looks quite nice. Bring on the sunshine and the warmer weather! And more honeysuckle, I just love the smell.

Edit: I've been informed by my aunty that this is actually jasmine, not honeysuckle - it still smells beautiful!

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