A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

Shady Nook

It was a bank Holiday in Gibraltar too, so after a slow start to the day, we took off to Tarifa for a change.

The beach there is very, very long and the golden sand slopes gently into the sea, unlike here where you are out of your depth 10 feet from the shore.

We took a picnic and sat on the same high dune as last time. Then we lay about on the beach below and went for several dips in the warm(ish) Atlantic Ocean.

On the way home, we stopped for an ice cream and took refuge from the sun on this charming seat, shaded from the heat.

It has been a wonderful weekend. School is calling gently and so these next few days, I need to be sure I am ready for the new year. I must say, I am looking forward to it!

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