Emma D's diary

By EmmaDrabble

At Scarborough: Protest At Historic Site

The Scarborough Spa wall, a beautiful curvaceous piece of Victorian craftsmanship. It's design is ingenious. For around 140 years it has returned the incoming tides with immeasurable talent, and in turn protecting the Spa above. At a high tide, its fascinating to watch. Waves are protected high up into the air, and returned back facing into the sea. Not as you might imagine over the wall. The architects eye for environmental detail understood how he could engineer the power of a wave to hit the outwardly curving wall. Even the individual stones had outwardly curving faces to break up the wave as it hit the wall.

A more modern solution to defend the incoming tide is to lay Rock Armour against the Spa existing wall. The area to be filled in Rock was flagged and dug out by campaigners against the proposal in a protest. Steve Crawford, leader of SOS (Save our Spa Wall and Surf) said that the way that the tidal current works in the bay, would mean that learning surfers in particular would be at high risk of being projected at speed on to the rock armour. The current function of the existing wall is that tidal current is pushed around the curve, and this a surfer does not meet the wall head on.

He said: “At the moment, the South Bay is the safest place in the country to teach surfers because the waves are so gentle. “The sea defences will make the currents stronger and force people onto the rocks – where it would be very difficult to rescue them without a helicopter. "

Adrian Perry, of Scarborough Civic Society said: “I can’t find anyone who thinks it is a good idea. People at the meeting were very angry and irate. The fundamental problem is the appearance of all this rock sat in front of a Grade II * Listed Building.
It is a very delicate situation for Scarborough Council. They have a duty to maintain the sea defences. They have come to the conclusion this is the cheapest long-term solution. The fact everyone hates it may or may not change their mind. The rock armour will obviously spoil the appearance of this beautiful building."

Government funded coastal protection schemes surely must choose a scheme that is fit for place and purpose. It's would appear that Rock Amour in this case suits neither the place nor the purpose.

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