The rest of forever...

By DrMac


...of the City of London!

more details to follow!

So...last night we stayed in a swanky hotel in Holborn. Woke, swam, tube to Bank and met Mum and Dad. Coffee, yucky free onken yog and muesli (grim!) then we walked to The Guildhall for the ceremony. Very nice, very nice man too!

Headed to the London Museum for coffee and cake and some education...though we didn't concentrate very well and did lots of nattering! Walked to The Barbican for lunch in the sun...bloody lovely. Then tubes to Covent Garden and mooching...M&D left and we shopped lots. Went to a VERY swanky restaurant for dinner on St Martin's Lane, well worth the price for my best meal of the summer. Stopped at the Apple store and bought some cool wireless headphones (I'm so down with the kids!) and now we are on the 10pm train home. It's gonna be a very late night but it has been a wonderful two days away together.!

But I have now got eight students...momentum is building! ;0)

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