Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy


I took these photos this morning whilst out with the dog.

The rope swing transported me back to the summers of my youth, the hours and hours we spent constructing and playing on precarious swings. This one was hanging over an enormous drop and was about 6 feet in the air - I was tempted to try, but could foresee the outcome!

Summers seemed to be always sunny, and we would spend our days lying in the grass, blowing dandelion clocks and picking blackberries - I loved picking them but hated eating them, yuck! I wonder what we imagined we would do with our lives - I have been very lucky, done some amazing things and been to some beautiful places, but I wonder if the 10 year old me would have believed that the most incredible things would be the most commonplace - finding someone to share my life with, building a home and raising children.

Was there ever a song more nostalgic about summer than this?

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