Z is for Zinnia!

I know some people were a bit worried about Z in Charlotte's alphabet challenge but I always knew that my Z would be Z for Zinnia AKA
Biblin Zinnia Q* Br Ch.
Some of you will have seen her before such as here on 29th April '12 or looking at the rising water on 4th August '12.

If you are familiar with my journal you will know that it occasionally features goaty facts. Goat facts follow in italics!
For some reason the italics didn't come out. Lots of goat facts below:

Zinnia is a British Alpine which means that she is registered in the British Alpine section of the Herd Book (I have spared you her registration number!) Biblin is my herd prefix which all the goats I register have. A * is an award for milk quantity and quality gained at a milking competiton and a Q* is even better than a star. The Br Ch means that she is a breed champion for which she needs either a star or a Q* and to be awarded and 'hold' five Breed Challenge Certificates awarded by three different judges! If you want to know what 'holding means (and if you are not fed up!) you can refer back to 4th of August and read about why Zinnia and I were braving thunder, lightning and flood.

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