Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Hope in a bottle!

After another sleepless painfilled night and the left side of my face all puffed out like a balloon, I was croaking down the phone to the Doctor's Surgery as soon as they opened this morning and was first in line for an emergency appointment. The Doc said it looks like a nasty Streptococcal infection and has given me some antibiotics. If they work then happy days, if they don't then it's likely to be Glandular Fever. Fingers crossed they work!! Glandular Fever is the very last thing I need on top of everything else!

Later on Maggie came over and coaxed me out for a coffee. But I could barely speak and couldn't swallow so it wasn't a particularly successful outing. It's so frustrating because I really want to talk, I've spent most of the past week curled up on my own and I want to hang out and drink coffee and chatter and laugh. I have things to say dagnamit! But I can't get the bloody words out and after several croaky attempts it's easier just to give up.

Ah well, hopefully the antibiotics will start working quickly and I can get back to chewing and swallowing solid food, speaking and sleeping :)

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