RSD Photo's SoCal Life

By rsdphotography

Night Out

We leave tomorrow for two and half weeks in the United States, which is a reason to dine at one of our favorite restaurants. My wife is under cover, but the rain is coming down so hard that the roof is dripping on our table. In true Mexican fashion, she takes the leaky roof in stride, pulls out our umbrella and enjoys her meal. She is wearing a black dress and the umbrella is black, so it seemed only appropriate to turn this into a black and white portrait. We talked about the upcoming trip, how excited we are to see our kids and old friends, but know that our time away will be short enough that we will not get too homesick. I think we have made the transition to life in Mexico - a rainstorm at the table doesn't interrupt our meal and we worry about being homesick if we are gone too long.

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