Daily Wild

By emyjane

Raisin tackle!

Best viewed *larger*

There are wasps EVERYWHERE! I'm doing my best not to be stung, I don't think I'm allergic to them, but I don't want to take the chance! Although these ones were totally oblivious to me as they tackled into the bird raisins - in fact there were dozens of raisins on the ground, but this was the raisin of choice as they were ALL on it, later on, even more turned up, but the pictures weren't as good, plus they were getting agitated because there were just too many for such a small raisin!

No birds today alas, but something else beginning with a b.....

Benevolent butterfly

3 day detox finished last night, today was 3 juices of my choice - the last being utterly divine. Tomorrow starting the 7 day juicing detox... Today I went to the gym after 12 days without, it was tough, I'm still fit, but my legs & knees had stiffened quite a lot, so it was painful & I couldn't go as big a distance on the cross trainer that I usually do... so I just compensated that by doing further on the rower... no sweat! (I sweat buckets!) :) xxx

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