
By spannarama

Camera shy

I thought I was being so quick and stealthy this evening, whipping my camera out of my bag, turning it on, dialling in a wider aperture and whacking up the ISO in order to capture this fox - but it had other ideas and legged it across the road in front of me, turning itself into a ghostly blur in my picture. There's something I still quite like about this though - just as well, as I didn't come up with anything better today.

In other news, this is part of my walk home from the station. Isn't it pretty? It always amazes me that this is London - only a 12 minute train journey from the city :)

Very busy but quite productive day at work. We've got our annual conference next week, so there's lots of work for that, as well as just generally trying to get on top of everything ahead of being out of the office for a week.

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