Capital adventures

By marchmont

New bridge

In June 1962, or possibly 1963, no more probably 1962, our Sunday School picnic was rained off its customary destination of Barnbougle (the home of the Primroses, later Roseberys) and rather than waste buses already booked for the trip we were taken a run out to S Queensferry to see the new Bridge rising above the Forth before repairing to the church hall for our bags of buns and games. Today on a Stagecoach bus heading for Dunfermline I could look from that now elderly Bridge to the newer bridge rising out of the river.

I was off to another discussion about charities and the referendum result. Very interesting. I still have to see Dunfermline. Miss Gordon used to talk to us about the peacocks in the Park. I've never been.

The advantage of catching the express Inverness bus back was lost because #2 son's curtains blew in the wind and I had to make an emergency dash home to ensure I wasn't being intruded. I wasn't.

Back to work in the car and a meeting and then some checking and reading and home to take in washing and catch up on 'New Tricks' on i-player.

I am very, very tired these days and my head hurts. It is still swollen on the right hand side and aches. Never having done this before I don't know whether it is normal part of the healing process or not but I'm going to the doc on Thursday to ask.

I need to eat less and exercise more, then I might have more energy.

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