Orla & Conor

By OrlaConor


Our new routine on weeknights is as follows:

I walk down to school and collect Orla.

We walk home together and she spins fantastic tales about her day, with me finding it difficult to ascertain what has actually happened at school and what has just sprung from her head. Other times, it's easy (e.g. she has a new classmate with purple hair).

When we get in, she changes out of her uniform, I check her bag to see what she has eaten/drunk, what homework she has and whether there are any communiques from her teacher.

She has a snack, and then we do her homework.

She plays (usually with her dad) and then she has her dinner. Dinner was a bit early tonight because Orla has her swimming lesson on a Tuesday.

When she has her dinner, we let her watch the iPad. Today she was watching some videos about dinosaurs. She's eating her favourite dinner, pasta with sausage and tomato sauce. And broccoli on the side. Lovely.

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