But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

Modern Fashion.

There is a resident at The Lodge who has lunch with The Old Lady; I’m sure her mother always told her “to wrap up warm” since she always does - even when sunbathing on the roof garden - and she wraps a blanket around herself to make sure. She is very slow in everything she does, presumably her motor functions are the problem, so she listens; occasionally she comes up with a pertinent comment just to prove that her brain is still active, it’s just the rest of her body that’s that's not quite right. Today, a carer was trying to persuade her to eat a bit more and said, “Would you like to try a little half portion?” The immediate response was a quiet, “You can’t have a little half.” The carer took a few seconds to realise the significance.

It was a hectic day, Sis came to help with the packing and plans were made for Said Nephew to come with a removal van at the week-end and remove anything of value from the house. He was going to need some help even though he is young (under fifty - just) so he had planned to call in the assistance of various cousins. Unfortunately, it will be a bank holiday week-end; eventually we phoned Eli (the house clearance man) to see if any of his men could help, and so it came to pass. SN was going to be a removal man’s boy - and pay for the privilege.

The blip is of a charity shop window, I’m finding that I like shop windows; what’s on the other side of the glass is often quite interesting while the reflections of what’s on this side add an extra dimension.

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