Mi Casa

All his sorrows forgotten when he saw the stump and the wood. I hope when he grows up he will remember the things that make him happy despite of the falls and wounds.

Mi Casa.

A little totally irrelevant note: I drove down to do the groceries shopping this morning. It was garbage day. Usually the first ones are the bottle guys that walk along the streets collecting from the bins any deposit bottles or cans before the garbage and recycling trucks start. I guess they live with that money and possibly support a few family members, too. It must be quite a job here, carrying everything on your bike or cart, walking the streets up and down in the small time slot between people bringing their garbage out and having them collected by the trucks. Sitting in my car waiting in the red lights I noticed one of them, a lady pushing a shopping cart supporting huge garbage bags full of bottles and other stuff. She was struggling to cross the street and the curbs and one of her bags fell. Without hesitation, an older man just passing simply her gave her a hand and helped her cart to the other side and had a few words with her. Smiling.

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