
By WhiskyFoxtrot

Space to Grow

Thank you for your kind reaction to yesterday's blip. You are all so kind.

Today was good - work was fine, cycling home in the sunshine was lovely, took my car in for its MOT, made dinner, watched two episodes of Breaking Bad.

Two things stood out. On our way back from the shops, Dr T and I heard a strange noise - could have been a painful cry, could have been a kid playing a game, could have been a cat. It quickly turned out to be a young man with a cut above one eye. A good Samaritan got to him before we did but it turns out he had been punched by a an strange-acting man who seemed to want to mug him but who didn't take his rucksack. This was about 6:30 pm - broad daylight. Very soon we got the injured young man a drink and some tissues, a couple from a nearby house brought him a chair to sit on and some biscuits, the good Samaritan called for the police and an ambulance arrived shortly. The young man said he moved to Portobello only a few months ago and had found people so friendly, including the care and generosity this bunch of people were showing to him, a total stranger. The attack was highly unusual. The thoughtful, considerate people are characteristic of this place.

The other thing that stood out is related to this photo. I take my car to be cared for by a lovely older man; a mechanic you can trust. We're so lucky to have him nearby. I dropped off the car, exchanged some merry banter and was struck on the way out by the new house that has sprung up next door. I've seen the house - Squirrel Cottage - in the various steps of construction, but now it's complete and has become a home. The special thing about this home is that it has been built by the parents of a lovely little girl with additional needs in order to suit her needs and create a barrier free space. You can read a bit more about it here and here. This is literally a house that love built - two parents who used their skills as architects to make a home suited to their children. It wasn't easy but they persevered. What a joy!

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