Hellcat - news and views

By hellcat2009

A premium evening at the Rex

Lots of annoying tasks ticked off my list today - but not managed to get a contract for my new flat yet. That is now tomorrow's big job.

This evening Mr Jazz and I went to the Rex again to see 'Everything is Illuminated', a very interesting film about... well, its a bit complicated to explain, but its a very strange, funny, moving and thought provoking film, essentially about an American Jewish boy who travels to the Ukrane to find out about his grandfather.

I really love the Rex - we were in the cheap seats right at the back, and the view was fantastic. I don't think there is a 'bad' seat in the place due to the steep rake of the seating. Fab venue. I still love the fact you can enjoy a beer or a cup of coffee while you watch the film!

If you are ever in the area - I thoroughly reccommend a visit!

I am off visiting friends for a few days so will be away from blip (oh no!) for a while. Have a great week and a lovely weekend, and I'll catch up next week :-)

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