Starry Eyed Surprise

By bellerock

A Two Dip Walk

An overcast but warm day. I took the dogs to Carnoustie beach and we walked along the beach to Westhaven. The tide was quite far out and there was plenty of rock exposed. Lots of shore birds paddling about and calling. I love watching them but they're just a bit too far away to see clearly. Every time I'm at this spot I make a mental note to take my binoculars with me next time.
But I've a memory like a sieve.

After giving the dogs a chance to have a swim, we headed off to Easthaven but decided not to stay for a paddle. Instead, we walked onto Scryne and then down to Craigmill Den. The burn has a very leafy canopy shading the water, giving it a secluded feel. The pups had another splash around, Rocket trying to find stones I threw into the burn, her head right under the water. The top of Radar's head is rarely wet, she prefers to swim sedately the doggy version of relaxing, restful breaststroke.

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