Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner

Who's who??

Uh oh! Same outfit good job Isaac still has his NG tube in.

Both boys have gained weight
Isaac is now 3lb 10oz (birth weight 3lb 6 oz)
Elliot is now 4lb 3oz (birth weight 4lb 1oz)

The doctors have said that we maybe able to bring the boys home by next week!! Weekend at the earliest but I think that's pushing it! Isaac needs to constantly taking his bottle at every feed, it's still wearing him out atm but we are getting there. He did three in a row today and has been asleep ever since lol

Super happy mama today!!

We registered the boys today just waiting for the birth certificates to come from Swansea.

Health visitor decided to visit whilst we were out to check on the boys! Clever Trevor they are still in SCBU got to ring her tomorrow and explain situation to her as she left a note saying she'd be back on Friday. Considering she should have all my details and know what's going on with the boys this doesn't bode well for future visits.

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