All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


We're having bedtime issues with Ethan again. He hasn't been fantastic for a while now - hates sleeping in a room on his own, is scared of the dark and wants lights on all night, and worries that the tickle man is going to come and get him. He loved having Finley and Thomas sleeping in his room when they stayed last week. As he had a sleepover with Eden last night, tonight is his first night in his own room by himself. And he did NOT want to go to sleep. Eventually we gave in and let him curl up in our bed although he was told he WOULD be getting moved to his own later. Finally got him to sleep around 9.30pm and although he briefly woke when I transferred him, he quickly went back off to sleep again.

It's very wearing though loosing all our evening on bedtime battles. Still, we've been here before and resolved it and am sure we will again.

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