Gaia's Child

By maura143

GoodBye d'Jembe

Query: When is a Drum like a Bird? ...
When it's a 'd'Jembe (African Drum)

d'Jembe was a Green Cheecked Conure, a rather small Parrot. She, we always called her She even though we weren't sure, lived with us for almost 18 years...a long time for a small Parrot. She was a feisty bitter bird who spent most of her day out of her cage playing. Although she seldom seriously bit us, Visitors were warned to talk with her from a safe distance. She seemed to enjoy attacking our dogs when they came sniffing around her cage. All three of them were very respectful and usually kept their distance.

Sadly, Sunday, she bit our big dog Jaz on the ear, the dog cried out, so it must have been a serious bite.
Jaz's immediate reaction was to snap at what caused her pain...

The house is too quiet now. We think that maybe d'Jembe's spirit or energy is still with us. We both have heard the cracking of seed, the tinkling of her bell and maybe even her low chortle. Or maybe not.

So this Blip is in memory of a Little Green Bird with a Big Heart.

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