"I have a dream"

Today marked the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr's history changing speech. The event was observed with a series of events throughout the week, starting this weekend with another "March for Jobs & Justice," and culminating today with a gathering on Washington's Mall and speeches by no less than three living US presidents: Carter, Clinton, and of course Obama (the two Bush's were conspicuously absent...).

In spite of the muggy and rainy weather, there was quite a crowd: old, young, white, black (and every color in between), some excited and boisterous, others more contemplative, some who had attended the prior march and were now here with grandkids, some who were but a glimmer in their parents' eyes 50 years ago. There were a few bizarre signs and causes being peddled here and there, but in general, most people were in the spirit of the moment. Glad I was able to make it :)

As you'll see many beautiful (and close up) images of the event on TV, I chose to feature this one: a bit of the side show, with one very passionate individual sharing his views with an motley crew of participants :)

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