Shadows on a Wall

As I fell asleep last night an owl hooted intermittently from someplace very close. I was too sleepy to get up and investigate, so instead I laid in bed and listened to the night sounds--the distant passing of the occasional car on the highway down the hill, the chorus of crickets outside the open door and the whisper of a breeze in the lemon tree outside the window. They did their soothing job quickly because I was sound asleep an hour later when the phone rang next to my head* with a wrong number. The soothing sounds didn't work the second time around. It took me forever to go back to sleep....

This morning as I was getting ready to leave, I noticed the shadow of the sun shining through the leaves of the lemon tree on the bathroom wall, softened by the window screen. After going back to my very young, very serious doctor (actually, a stand-in for my own doctor) about an infected thumb which he pronounced better, I had to listen to a litany of tests he thought I should have and better medications he thought I should take. Once again Peter's wise words came to me--"that's what you get for going to the doctor..." And this wasn't even my doctor...

The San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge is closing tonight for five days. North Bay folks are being advised not to venture over the Marin County line for the duration. I just spent an hour on the phone with my erstwhile weekly lunch friend to change our date to meet tomorrow in Marin County. These get togethers are sporadic at best and we spent an hour finding another date that would work for both of us.

I rarely take a nap, but I think today one might be in order.

*Note to self: turn the phone off at night

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