
By tookie

Dream of MLK must Go ON!

Today not only is another celebrated Hump Day...but it marks the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King's famous "I Have A Dream" speech. While most remember only a few lines of the speech calling for losing racial barriers....King Jr. was strongly advocating Economic parody and calling for very radical changes in our society. Those ideas are not as well known today. MLK's latest book is not well known or read...if interested it is Where Do We Go From Here..Chaos or Community?

Here Rosemary McGill is seen as she spoke on the Today show--
When Rosemary McGill first came to the nation’s capital 50 years ago as a black teenager from the Deep South, she associated whites with the Klu Klux Klan.

“As a matter of fact, I was not that familiar with those outside my own racial group,” she recalled Wednesday.

But traveling to Washington, D.C., to hear the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. deliver what would be his historic “I Have a Dream” speech changed her mindset. The individuals in the crowd she mingled with moved her as much as King’s stirring words.

“I was in awe and taken aback by the multicultural and the multiracial makeup of the group that day,” she said on TODAY. “It kind of changed my attitude based on what I saw. It was like a mecca. I had never seen that many racial groups come together.”

For some interesting facts you may not know about MLK go here

Because I was very influenced during this time period in the sixties and very much admired MLK I named my son Martin after my son has named his son Zeke Oliver----and he chose Oliver because it means Peace. I love that.

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