Northern Star

By Lifferz

Old and new

Taken in the French Quarter of New Orleans. This blip is best viewed large to see the excited expression of the woman on the right who was super excited to see this dog. The owner was heard to say the dog had just cost a small fortune at the vets.

Today was a slower day thankfully. Managed to walk out of town to see 2 Banksy pieces which were interesting. Had my fortune told again for the final time- this chap (Darren) used a completely different approach which focussed on past lives and stuff. I wasn't really sold on it but I liked the experience in terms of analysing what was going on. I guess I will reserve judgement as he was pretty specific about things in the short term. I am secretly fascinated by this sort of thing and often say if I could do a PhD in anything it would be analysis of/ use of cold reading skills.

Pretty tired today so early night again. I now have 4 plasters on one foot and a huge right ankle. I really hope it goes down soon. Tonight it was suggested I may have walked on some poison ivy such is the state of it! Ah well! If I manage to get a swim in tomorrow I will have had a successful day. . .

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