Life At Dragonfly Cottage

By MaitriLibellule

As a little girl begins to grow some feathers...

This is Miss Scarlet. I adopted Scarlet a year ago May. She was a lifelong plucker which is a problem for many African Grey Parrots but she is just the sweetest love and I adore her. Finally, after a year, she has started to allow some feathers to grow. Her wing feathers have grown out and some on the sides of her body and back. The ultimate test is the chest. If you look what you see are "pin feathers" pricking through and they have come through many times but she has plucked them off. Now, she is leaving some alone. Will she let them grow out? I don't know. But she sings and talks all day long, she kisses me a LOT and cuddles and we just have a real LoveFest going on. Just because a girl doesn't have all of her feathers doesn't mean she isn't beautiful, and in a lifetime with parrots, and having started and run a non-profit shelter for parrots for many years I can tell you that she is hands down one of the sweetest birds I have ever had the privilege to live with. Never judge a girl by her feathers!

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