The Perfect Jeans

Audrey had a long day at nursery and her 'drop off' had been emotional this morning. She has cottoned on to what happens when we go there. And this morning she wouldn't let go of me. It was really upsetting.

Angus was off so we went shopping to help distract ourselves. I needed a pair of skinny black cropped jeans for work. I hate shopping for jeans. Changing rooms, trousers on and off, rearranging everything back on the hangers before giving up and moving onto the next shop. But if you put the effort in, the reward when you find "the perfect pair" makes it so worthwhile. And I did.

At 1pm nursery called. I braced myself for bad news again but she had slept for 50mins, on a mat, on the floor!!!! Amazing! It finally happened. And she'd eaten everything they'd given her. I felt so proud (but also slightly sad as it meant that she would be there all day and there's something quite nice about whipping her home back to her own cot).

Angus and I grabbed some lunch together, I even had a beer, carried on shopping, got home and tidied the house.

Tomorrow she's there again and I have an important meeting in town so won't even be able to pick her up if she needs me. But she's done it once and I know my girl, she can do it again. Little treasure.

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