It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

I Feel Like This Flower

It had been a great weekend and I was still on holiday today. Unfortunately, every silver lining has a cloud and I was sadder than normal. I was heading home in the evening; I am always like a bear with a sore head when I know I'll be heading away from R.

The morning started with a beautiful sunrise over Leith. Well it is beautiful when you're in Trinity anyway! First thing I ran up to the Tri Centre, via Hunter's Bog (between Arthur's Seat and Salisbury Crags), as I needed new swimming goggles. I was pleased to see I had averaged over 14km.h over 7km, primarily uphill......only to notice my top speed had been 165km.h. Blahhh... it was closer to 11km.h.

I smashed it going back, running as hard as I could and covered the distance over 2 mins faster than on the outward journey! I forgot about R's stairs and nearly had to crawl up them.

We then went to Broughton Deli for lunch, and whilst I love the place, I wasn't overwhelmed by my sweet tattie thing and didn't have cake for afters as I am determined to get faster at running by dropping a bit lard!

We then headed to the Edinburgh Photographic Society exhibition. On entering the Great King Street Building I was immediately disappointed to see that the images were simply card mounted and not very well displayed. Fortunately, the images did the talking and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Rosemary, being the ardent feminist that she is commented that there were an undue amount of semi-clad women being subjects. I didn't want to point out the token picture of a cock, especially as it was accompanied by many females.....chickens of course. We did both giggle at the image of a man wearing a pig mask though.

My mood when from bad to worse when we got home. My gears on my bike wouldn't work properly and it started to rain just as we were about to leave for the station. Added to that, there were severe delays on the Carlisle line. Fortunately, my train wasn't too late...unfortunately the guard was very rude and awkward about my bike. I suggested that I may complain about him and he suggested that I leave the train.

Eekkk.... he then decided to ask British Transport Police to throw me off. Fortunately, after a brief altercation, the policeman was very nice, quietly suggesting the guard was a pratt but the best option was to shut my gob and he would ensure that I travelled. He was as good as his word!

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