
By Angelique


, it's called Evergreen, one of my favourite songs, written and performed by Barbra Streisand. I have sung this song so many times, either with a backing CD or accompanied by Mr A with his Ovation guitar. And it sums up this amazing flower. It grows wild all over the Mediterranean and I've finally managed to grown one over here. The first photos I took this morning, I used my hand to show the size of the first bloom but I noticed, this afternoon, after a short sharp shower, that it had rain droplets on it, which seemed to add some drama!!

This follows on from yesterday's Mediterranean theme, so if I can't be there in person, at least I can pretend I'm still in my favourite island.

So today, Sir (my boss) was trying to complete all his comittments before his holiday. I was well prepared for this, having seen it happen so many times before. I at least completed my bit, time sheets, invoices and also a late minute fee proposal for a current project.

I worked an extra 30 minutes but at least accommplised what was expected.
Spent most of the afternoon dressmaking and wrestling with a few issues on my daughter -in-laws new dress.

By the time Mr A came home, I could have thrown it out the window.
I try not to turn away from issues but realise I can't play Ostrich forever, so tonight I watched the programme on eleplant cruelty and poaching of their ivory tusks. I had no idea the scale of the assault and carnage of selfish human beings. They have seen a rise in the onslaught since the Chinese have appeared. Now there's a surprise!!

I wanted to walk away but I couldn't. It would be too easy to just walk away. But I wont behave like the masses and turn a blind eye. I cannot uphold any form of cruelty, whether it be the mass slaughtering here of our wonderful badgers or the poaching of innocent wild animals. Man's own greed and selfisness has brought us all down to base level and it's about time it stopped. I feel for all the wonderful staff that work over there in Africa, trying to enforce justice. We have no idea over here. I just get equally upset over our badger cull that's hapening here in our County. Hope it all goes hopelessly wrong and they abandon the whole ide.

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