Cherie's World

By Cherie2012

Argeles sur Mer

We stayed in the a hotel right in the centre of the resort last night. If anyone asks where do the French go on holiday, you can say Argeles sur Mer! It's Blackpool, by the sea. We did have a lovely meal at a seafront restaurant called Exotique, finished off with a midnight stroll ice cream. In the morning we had a run next to the sea which was gorgeous until we ran out of track and had to run on the sand.
It's definitely a family holiday kind of place, it has lovely Catalan style houses overlooking the sea towards the port. There's history here too as it was part of a route out of France in WW2. A lot of Jewish people, stranded soldiers, aircrew etc made their way to this little corner of France and very brave locals would lead them over the Pyrenees. There was a POW camp here too. There appeared to be no evidence of this now, only lots of families sunning themselves on the beach, eating lots of chips and ice cream.

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