Views of my world

By rosamund


Sunrise was elusive this morning and I'm afraid to say I missed the best of it. I had decided I was definitely getting up no matter what the conditions so I didn't look out the window before getting ready. I took my time as the last few weeks have been blipping awful and I didn't think I'd miss much if I wasn't out or the twenty minutes before the sun did or didn't appear.

As soon as I reached the top of the road I knew that was a mistake as a massive shaft of red light shot up from behind the hill where the sun comes up at this time of year. As its been a few weeks since I've seen the actual sun it was hard to gauge the best vantage point and by the time I got anywhere the shaft of light had gone and the only pink clouds were too high overhead to capture.

I hung about a few different spots in case the sun found a break in the clouds but nothing very exciting happened. I'm bringing you this view today although it was a bit later than actual sunrise as its looking down river to the west and I've never blipped in this direction from this point before.

Chasing the sunrise though has reignited my enthusiasm for it and a determination to make sure if I miss out its because of the weather and not because of me.

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