the colour green

By jukeys


Last market before a well-deserved day off. Set-up went well. Met Paddy for a coffee.

Called to Les Pilles afterwards to pick up a couple of things and then back to Cairanne.

Coquine (Pierre's dog) gave him a wee bite on the nose tonight. It's the first time she's ever done this. We're staying in someone else's house with their dog too, so we think she's not sure where she is anymore in terms of "the pack". Purdy, the other dog, is very dominant, but would never hurt Coquine. She just (quite aggressively) puts her in her place. It's hard not to feel sorry for Coquine, as she's all over the place at the minute, but she should certainly not be biting at Pierre's face :(

Any dog owners out there know what the best plan of action is? We'll be back to normal on Monday, so hopefully she'll be back to herself then too.

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