
By sas05

Psychedelic warlords

traveled up to birmingham with my gig buddy to see the ex hawkwind bass players band, the psychedelic warlords do space ritual all the way through..this was old school psychedelia at its utter best...hawkwind as it should be..fair to say i loved it.. what i didnt love was the red LED spotlights 4 feet above the players heads drenching them in horrid red nothingness ... and if it wasnt red it was green spots.. thats from a photographers point of view.. as a paying punter it mattered not,, just a brilliant nite.. think im gonner have to get on my bike and have another lash at seeing this gig again...either that or try alsorts to try to make some decent shots out of what i have ... on the way back just fancied a crappincino so called into warwick services ,, so theres three of us at 1230 am standing there waiting for our cup of tea/coffee.. when the other person turned his face round ..lo and behold it was boldrick.. Tony Robinson...being shy and retiring we politely just acknowledged him as you would anyone else.. well no didnt really.. I know you ..i could almost read his mind at the time."oh god" just said hello and then continued chatting to liz.. it must be a real hassle being a celebrity and being hassled...but then i just asked him if he had been filming, and the ensued a little conversation about what he was up to then he asked us where we had been and where we were going.. all very pleasant ..a good celebrity experience..
all parenting issues and doubts and questions were put out of mind yesterday ..and today the girls have flagpoles on their bikes so theyre happy ive got to go up to stafford.. the center of the much the same way as a black hole..and they say that nothing escapes a black holes gravity ,, i know one thing that did..and this celestial body, not quite a comet.. more of a asteroid is free to collide into other things and create havoc.. thats what they do.. cryptic??? i wouldnt be me if i made politely and walk on by !!

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