
By DancingAly

The Asturiano

Is the name of our favourite local restaurant up in town. It's right next to a little church, set back from the main strip, and it's always quiet and relaxing going there.

We planned to go to Malaga this morning on the train, so I got up a bit earlier (9ish rather than 10!). We walked up town, and Mum suggested we stop for a coffee first, so we sat at our usual place. I had a lovely Ensaimada again- in fact, I think I've pretty much eaten my own weight in bread this week! We sat for a bit, and I was listening, and understanding what was being said behind me between a grandma and her grandaughter, as she was speaking nice and slowly! Mum then said she felt panicky, and we should just sit for a bit. We are both feeling more anxious as the days go on; me because I'll be flying home alone for the first time (at 29 years old), and Mum because she will be spending one night and pretty much two full days alone her on her own. It's started to keep me awake at night, and I don't usually worry anymore. I've been rehearsing in my head what to do; get to the airport, look on the board for the flight details, find the bag drop....

Anyway, I suggested we postpone Malaga, as I've still got tomorrow, so in my attempt to distract Mum we did a little shopping in our town. Sometimes it's nicer to stay where you feel more at home when you are having a wobbly day. We walked through the backstreets, and all the way up to the Papeleria, so that I could buy some little bits for school. Then had a quick look in the toy shop for some Spanish games for my class. We went back to Loly's shop where I bought some perfume, and then called in at one of the little grocery stores for a few bits. My mum began to relax, and I think she might have even forgotten how worried she was :-P

We called in at the shoe shop where I bought some cheapie sandals for going back to work (8 euros!), and got a few bits in Mercadona, including the much coveted body spray, Flor de Naranja.

Mum felt better when we got back, athough we did look online at the flights just to see if we could change them. I certainly would not have been disappointed to get to stay a few extra days! Sadly Easyjet think it's ok to charge 411 euros to fly one way back to London, so it looks like I will be flying home on Wednesday as planned :-(

I did my hair this afternoon, while Mum relaxed on the roof, and then about 8pm we took the car up to Carrefour. Mum wants to get a few things so that Rosie does not cost her an arm and a leg by going with her when she arrives on Thursday!

After we came back and put the shopping away, we got changed and went up to the Asturiano. We shared a salad and a main course, and had a very relaxing evening. We settled down when we got back, bathed, and then sat on the sofa with our tea. Gramps has left us some tapes of Frasier, so we put those on :-)

Malaga tomorrow. Hopefully!

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