As my mood grabs me...

By AlisonM

My Playground

I've got to knuckle down this evening and get some needlpoint done so no time to play with flowers tonight. However I thought this as good a time as any to show you where I play :)

Once upon a time it was the main bedroom but now is fairly well packed with bits and bobs - most of which are self explanatory. You can see the background and ottoman I use for my baggy head pics - even one of the bags can be seen.

The chests are covered in flowers in various states of life and death - something is starting to whiff a bit in there so I think it's time to clear some of them out.

I use a sheet of Colormatt on a clothes rail for my white backgrounds and have various sheets of coloured backgrounds that can be clipped to the rail should I fancy a change of colour.

As you can see, I've a nice big window which lets in a good amount of light but also some lights (on loan from my sister) which come in very handy when it's a bit dull.

The camera on the tripod is my faithful old Fuji S7000 - my favourite camera for flower shots.

One day it would be nice to have that scabby carpet up, all the wonky floorboards put back in place and just wood floors - far easier to keep tidy but that will have to wait.

I'll shut up now - you're probably all bored silly!

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