All about us

By K8w

Love it or hate it

We arrived at my Dads today to start our short holiday. Always treated like royalty when we are there. We don't lift a finger nor spend any money! Dad and Jan greeted us as we arrived and Dad showed me all the yummy treats he had bought for our stay. Marmite with gold flecks, wine, cornichon, olives, gin to name but a few!

We played in the beach and had a fabulous time. Girls had a rather late bedtime but enjoyed the cuddles with Papa and doing arts and crafts with Nanny.

It must be so full on for them. They are retired, love seeing the children but they also generally nap during the day and there wasn't a hope it hell my girls were going to let that happen.

Finally at bedtime I crept in, to see Daisy cuddles up to Ruby in the bed so sweet!

Whist I opened the Gin poor papa and nanny couldn't keep their eyes open!

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