Fun Reading

At the very top it says, "Ogden - The town Al Capone said was too rough for him." This book was given to me today by Drienie (Hendrina) Hattingh who comes into the yarn shop on 25th Street often. She moved here some years ago from South Africa. The book is a compilation of 13 short stories by local authors. They are all ghost stories and are set on 25th Street. She compiled them and wrote two of the stories. This is the third book she has published. They are all really fun, quick reading. She even wrote one about the yarn shop, called "A Good Yarn." The synopsis says, "A knitting store attracts all kinds of knitters--alive or dead." Haven't read it yet, but it should be a fun story. 25th Street has quite a history, and this book, although fiction, may not be too far from the truth. Can't wait to read all of the stories.

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