Spring has Sprung

Spring has Sprung
The Grass is ris
I wonder where
The stickies is
And this was the question from ME as the Boss, having had a cruisey Saturday, took me out late in the day and proceeded to get terribly distracted with springie stuff.
Ok Spring is nice as things get warmer, The days get longer and The Bossess gets Hayfever. Oh sorry about that.
Dogs can get hayfever too you kno and I recall a couple of years ago when I couldn’t stop sneezing, The Bossess phoning up my mum…Errr well actually my breeder and being told that Wheatens did this occasionally and it would stop soon…And it did.
The Boss had an exciting time at the supermarket this morning. YES he did and NO there was not an attack of the green marshmallow men (or women to avoid gender bias) but while he was waiting in the checkout line for the lady in front to depart she suddenly screamed…..OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!! Really loud…... Everything stopped and everyone stared and it appeared that she had forgotten to pop a pak of bacon through to the checkout lady. It was upside down, black bottom up, sitting on her black handbag and she hadn’t noticed it until religion intervened. The Boss said it was almost enough to put him off bacon and the lovely Irish (like ME) checkout young lady was a bit like the Queen…Not amused.

I am always impressed that The Boss seems to be able to find entertainment almost anywhere.

Well I continued to be Stickless for the rest of the walk but I did get two outings yesterday (no doubt in celebration of my scientific breakthrough in yesterday’s journal, so I suppose I can’t complain. And it would be a waste of time anyway, complaining that is.

Check out the blossom. Snifffffff!

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