Happy Daze

By Dazed

Passive Aggressive

I saw this stuck to a wall on Brunswick Street today and loved it. To complete the mental image it was stuck to a wall at about knee height and just above a very sad looking, and deflated, inflatable palm tree and banana. I would love to know the story behind this! Judging by the handwriting it appears to me that whomever wrote the note is a fair bit older than 8 or 11. Which is quite little by the way. I must submit this to Passive Aggressive Notes.

It's been a bit of a crazy week so far! Work has been mental, which is good for my company, but it all comes at a time when the evenings have been pretty busy too - hence my lack of proper blipping/commenting.

Tomorrow's my Friday though as I'm on holiday from then and going to see Mr and Mrs TSN for a long weekend in Cambridgeshire - yippee! Then I've got some Festival stuff booked for next week so it's all very exciting :)

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